
We are so glad that you found your way to our website.

Jewish life in Zurich today is thriving and vibrant. With a Jewish population numbering some 8000, there are three established synagogues, and, in addition, a large and increasing number of batei midrash, informal minyanim and stiebelech catering to the different types of Jews that live in our city.

The Bet Midrash Brunau, known simply as “Minyan Brunau” was founded during the eighties in response to the increasing number of religious Jewish families choosing to move to the Enge and Wollishofen areas of Zurich. On the 14th December 2003 (19th of Kislev, 5764) we moved to our present premises at Rieterstrasse 60 and our Minyan Brunau now boasts a membership of some 100 families.

We are an orthodox minyan, steeped in Jewish tradition and soundly rooted in Torah and Halachah. Our tefilot are conducted according to Eastern European ritual (nussach sefard). Needless to say, our minyan is a staunch supporter of the State of Israel.

We aim to create an atmosphere in which Jews with varying backgrounds feel at home. Irrespective of prayer ritual (nussach) or political leanings, of Eastern or Western extraction, whether young or not-so-young, we want our members to feel comfortable in each other’s company both within and outside of the religious services. Every Shabbat after davening we get together and socialise at a Kiddush and the minyan also offers regular shiurim both on shabbat and during the week.

We want our children – our future – to look forward to coming to shul with their parents from as early an age as possible and to find it a pleasant and enjoyable experience. With this in view Brunau boasts a modern, purpose-built children’s playroom.

Minyan Brunau is also equipped with a state-of-the-art kitchen and infrastructure which make it eminently suitable as a venue for smachot, other family celebrations and social and cultural events of all kinds.

If you are a guest from outside Zurich who stumbled onto this website by chance – or even if you searched for and found us intentionally – we would be delighted to welcome you to spend a shabbat with us. Under Board and Gabaim on this website, you will find contact details for our president, the members of our board and our gabbaim. Any of these people will be pleased to answer your questions and provide you with further information. And, if you would like to be invited to one of our members for your shabbat meals, they will be delighted to make arrangements for you. Come and visit us in our Minyan Brunau – we look forward to meeting you.
