Website for Minyan St. Moritz


Please note, that this site is not connected to the “Minyan Brunau” in Zurich. We have only received permission to use their website for practical reasons
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Zmaneh Tfilah on the right side of this page are n o t the Zmanim for St. Moritz but for the Minjan Brunau in Zurich. For our Zmanej Tfilah please click the link further down.  My contact details: +41 (0)79 400 66 00 or 
The Zmanim for beginning and end of Shabat you can also find for the whole year at  

Winter  in St. Moritz – 2024/2025


update 08.01.2025


thanks to all who joined our minyan during December/January. 


We will start again on February 7th and the minyan will stay on until February 23rd iy’H. The davening times we will inform later. The minyan will take place as usual at th Club Med, Hotel Roi Soleil, Via Tegiatsch 21, St. Moritz-Bad at the lower basement level. The entrance is at the left side of the main entrance (one floor down)

Meanwhile there is a minyan at the Hotel Kempinsky until February 3rd; for date and times please ask Yochai . His phone number inSwitzerland is +41 78 607 50 14


looking forward to see you there




update 23.12.2024

Dear friends, dear Mitpalelim of our minyan in St. Moritz


tomorrow morning, 24/12 we start with our minyan again. shacharit will be at 7:45, mincha/maariv at 16:30.

The minyan will take place as usual at th Club Med, Hotel Roi Soleil, Via Tegiatsch 21, St. Moritz-Bad at the lower basement level. The entrance is at the left side of the main entrance (one floor down)

We will have the minyan until January 5th, 2025. We will inform later about February.


Loking forward to see you there 





Summer in St. Moritz – 2024


update 03.09.2024

Dear friends, dear Mitpalelim of our minyan in St. Moritz, Chodesh tov, a giten choidesh!

Yesterday we davened our  last tfillot in the mountains for this summer. Our team is very pleased that everything went so well. The community of St. Moritz played along, the weather played along, and – above all – you, dear Mitpalelim, played along. We hope that you all enjoyed your vacation in St. Moritz and have returned home safe and sound

The tent was taken down yesterday and we are more than happy that the effort was worth it and, above all, that everything went smoothly and without incident in these turbulent and difficult times. הודו לה׳.

I would also like to thank my colleagues, Dan and Josche, who have worked so hard for this minyan, as well as Nechemiya, our outstanding Gabai. And to all the others who have contributed in one way or another to the success.

And especially we would like to take this opportunity to thank the many small and large donors for our minyan.  It is only thanks to these donations that it is possible to organize the minyan in this form. The unusually high costs incurred this year as a result of the special circumstances are not yet fully covered. But we know from experience that some people only send their contributions and additional donations after returning from vacation. So, we are quite optimistic.

In case that you  still have outstanding payments from aliyot and auctions, or you would just like to send a contribution, we would like to remind you of the payment options:


Bank account:

Bank: Graubündner Kantonalbank GKB

Accout Name: Kremer Simon (Keren Bet Midrash)

Account Number: 10 104.555.700

IBAN: CH56 0077 4010 1045 5570 0



Paypal.Me/minyanstmoritz      or   or use this qr-code


At this this opportunity I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. לְשָׁנָה הַבָּאָה בִּירוּשָלָיִם. May Hashem have mercy on us. And may He spare us from all the unspeakable suffering that unfortunately hit us last year. May He bring peace to each of you, your families and all עם ישראל . And let us see the coming of Mashiach במהרה בימינו.

שנה טובה ומתוקה, שנה עם הרבה אושר ושמחה, הרבה שפע וברכה, שנה של שלום

– שלום ביננו לבין כל הסובבים אותנו, שלום ביננו לבין עצמנו, שלום ביננו לבין בורא עולם

שתהיה השנה הבאה עלינו לטובה, שנה של התגשמות כל המשאלות, עם הרבה נחת יהודי שפע וברכה

אמן ואמן

עם ישראל חי –  שנה טובה







update 13.08.2024

Dear friends

Tisha be’Av is just ending and we hope that you all had a Zom Kal, an easy fast, and that our tfillot were heard and accepted in heaven. We are happy that until now everything went so softly with our Bet Midrash and people enjoyed the minyan.

As you know, our accomodation on the Ice Field has to be left this week. On thursday morning,  the day after tomorrow, we will start building the tent just a few steps away on the left side of the Ice Field. We will start with the Tfillot in the tent iy’H on Friday morning. On Friday the Restaurant will also open and we hope that you will all be able to benefit from this exeptional possibility. 

I would like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt thanks to Mr. François Bloch on behalf of all our fellow Mitpalelim. Thanks to his generous donation, we were able to set up this luxurious tent which will give us the opportunity to hold our Tfillot again this year in the familiar *bekovedig” setting.

Mr. Bloch sponsored the tent in memory of his late father, Jacques Bloch z.l. and so the Bet Midrash is also called “Ohel Yakov” in his blessed memory 

May this generous donation allow Mr. Bloch to remain so charitable also in the future and in the best of health. Thank You, François!

Wishing you all a great vacation in the mountains of St. Moritz



update 25.07.2024

Dear friends and Mitpalelim in St. Moritz

As you know, next Sunday, 28 July, we will start with the Minyan in St. Moritz. This will take place as usual on the ice rink until after Tisha beAv. First Minyan will be Mincha/Maariv on Sunday at 19:05.

Afte 9. Av we will move to the tent right next to the ice rink.

All Zmaney T’filah you find under the following link: 

Zmaney T’fila Summer 2024

Good news for our guests!

Immediately after Tisha beAv – and this is an absolute first in St. Moritz – we will be opening a kosher restaurant on the ice rink, where we will be serving meals – a la carte – every day until  September 1st. These can be eaten in the restaurant or taken away. The restaurant will be run by  Moische Fein  of “Fein & Schein Catering” under strict Hashgacha and we hope that you will all make ample use of it. Also, you will no longer have to order your Shabbat meals in Zurich. It can all be picked up in the Restaurant. Details will follow.

I would like to express my thanks to my colleagues Dan Schmelzer, partner since ever in the organization of the minyan as well as Yoshe Solowiejczyk who is new to the team, for all the work which had to be done to make this possible.

Looking forward to seeing you in the mountains



update 11.07.2024

the following link will lead you to the Zmaney T’filah for this summer. The list will open in a new window and is printable:

Zmaney T’fila Summer 2024


update 20.06.2024

Dear friends and fellow mitpalelim of  St. Moritz


As already communicated in my update of 23/5/24, we are having a lot of trouble organizing the minyan this year. As Tisha be’Av falls very late this year, our dates clash with school times and sports events in the municipality of St. Moritz.

Thanks to our good relationship with the municipality, we have now found a solution which, although somewhat complicated, meets our wishes.

Our minyan will initially take place in the usual sports room on the ice rink. After Tischa be’Av, we will set up a big tent right next to it, between the ice arena and the horse stable building, which will have enough space for the Mitpalelim.

The minyan will take place from

Sunday, July 28th to Sunday, September 1st

Vacationers arriving before July 28 can attend the minyan at the Hotel Kempinsky.

Our program will be about as follows: 

Sunday, July 28th to approx. Friday August 16th: In the room of the ice field

Friday August 16th, Erev Shabat until Sunday, September 1st: In the tent. (If enough people are interested, we have the possibility to keep it up for another week)

The organizers are pleased to have found a satisfactory solution and wish everyone a nice summer vacation with a “balebatish” Bet Midrash.



P.S. As you can imagine, this solution is associated with considerable costs. A tent with the necessary infrastructure, twice moving, toilets etc. is not a cheap solution, but hundreds of fellow mitpalelim depend on it. We are therefore looking for a sponsor for this unique opportunity. For 500 x חַי = Fr. 9,000, we will name the tent with the desired name of the sponsor or a לעילאי נשמת,

i.e. אוהל יעקב בן שרה  or   בית מדרש פלני אלמני

so that the many thousands of תפילות בציבור in this tent will contribute to their S’chut or of a relative. Interested? We would be happy to talk to you about it.


update 24.05.2024

I have just been informed, that Hotel Kempinsky and its kosher program will be from June 28th until we start our minyan. By experience, it might be difficult to have a full minyan during the first week but there should not be a problem afterwards. If you want to make sure about exact dates you can contact Yochai Wahave: +41 78 607 50 14


update 23.05.2024


Dear Friends an Mitpalelim of our minyan in St. Moritz


As every year, we are planning to hold our minyan in St. Moritz this summer. The expected dates are:

 Approx. 26.7.2024 – 1.9.2024 or 8.9.2024

(if there is enough interest, we will try to organize an earlier minyan too; let us know)

Tisha beAw falls very late this year, so unfortunately it is not possible for us to get the hall in our usual environment in the Ludains ice arena. All our efforts to find another suitable room have unfortunately come to nothing so far.

At the moment we are therefore discussing setting up a tent as an alternative, as we did during the Corona period. We will announce further information here as soon as our request has been granted and we have more details.

One more personal matter. For various reasons, I myself only have very limited time this summer to take care of the minyan.  I will probably only be in St. Moritz for a very short time at most.  My friend and “partner” in the “Minyan St. Moritz company” 😊, Dan Schmelzer, will support me as he does every year, although his time is also very limited. I hope you will understand if we are not always able to answer all questions about the Minyan immediately.

Contact addresses:

Dan Schmelzer: (+41 79 304 1818)

Jonny Kremer: (+41 79 400 66 00)

For matters of the Shames:

Nechemya Steiner:


looking forward to seeing you all in summer



Winter in St. Moritz – 2024


update 23.01.2024

Dear friends

We will iy’H have our minyan again again 

from Friday, 9 February to Sunday, 25 February.

Please let us know if you intend to be in St. Moritz during that time. We need the following info:

1. Dates of arrival and departure
2. ⁠How many men over 13

Please let us have your answers by text message or whatsapp to:

Dano:  +41 79 304 18 18


Jonny:  +41 79 400 66 00

The zmanej hatfilah will be sent via the Whatsapp-Group. If you are not yet registered in the group please also let us know and we will send you the link.

The minyan will take place again at the Hotel Club Med (Bridge Room), Via Tegiatscha 21, see this link: Location Club Med

Please alway go directly to the Minyan (Bridge Room) and not to or through the lobby of the Club Med



P.S. There is a minyan next Shabbat, Parshat Beshalach, at the Hotel Kempinsky




Summer in St. Moritz – 2023


update 12.07.2023

please take note: since the minyan could not be secured for this coming shabbat we will only start on Sunday morning, 16/7, with shacharit at 08:00 !

(On the other side, there is a minyan at Hotel Kempinsky)



update 29.06.2023

a big “thumbs up” for Dano Schmelzer who has put together a clear PDF with all useful information regarding our minyan and Jewish life in St. Moritz.

The information can be downloaded from the following link (a new window or  tab will open):  Useful information for St. Moritz

Our Minyan St. Moritz – chat in whatsapp is open; please let me know if you want to be added, It is the safest way to  always  be up to date. Just let me have your mobile/Whatsapp number and you will get the invitation code  (+41 (0)79 400 66 00)



Donations for the minyan are always welcome.

On site, these can be given to our “Chief Gabai”, Nechemyia.

Transfers to our Minyan account: Graubündner Kantonalbank GKB, Simon Kremer, IBAN: CH56 0077 4010 1045 5570 0

If you have a PayPal account, you can pay via PayPal to the following mail address:

Scan this picture to have this information regarding contributions on your phone:


Have a great vacation




update 27.06.2023

corrected Zmaney T’filah: Zmaney T’fila Summer2023

Kosher in St. Moritz: Kosher St. Moritz

Separate Swimming Time Table: separate Swimming in St. Moritz


update 20.06.2023

Dear Friends and Mitpalelim of St. Moritz

Summer is just around the corner and we are happy to announce that we will be holding our Minyan this year as usual at the Eisarena Ludains in St. Moritz. This will be held from July 14th till August 20th (25th Tamuz to 3rd Elul).

under the following link you will find all zmanim on one page: Zmaney T’fila Summer2023

if you want to print them for a specific date click the following link: Zmanej Tfilah Summer 2023

More information regarding “kosher in St. Moritz” and swimming pool will follow.

In the meantime, the organizers wish everyone a relaxing vacation season.






Winter in St. Moritz – 2022/2023

update 15.12.2022

Dear Friends and Mitpalelim of St. Moritz

Since there is a possibility that more people will turn up than we expected, we have decided to rent a room at Hotel of Club Med. The minyan will therefore not take place in a private flat but in Club Med.

Mandatory Registration – important !

For security reasons, the hotel requires us to leave a list of names of all the participants who will be attending. I therefore ask all those who will come to send me a message or an email with your name, home town and either email address or phone number. Those who are not registered can also register directly in the minyan on weekdays.

Th zmanim for the davening will be:


Shacharit: 07:45  /  Mincha/Maariv 16:20 (We will beginn on Thursday 22/12 with Mincha/Maariv. Let me know if you want a minyan already for Shacharit. If we have enough mitpalelim we will also daven Shacharit)

Shababat Paraschat Mikeitz

Hadlokas Neiros: 16.19
Minche/Kabolas Shabbes: 16.20
Shacharis: 9.00
Minche: to be discussed amongst Mispallelim
Motzei Shabbes: 17.29
Maariv: 17.45


Location Club Med:

Please click this Link:  Location Club Med

Please alway go directly to the Minyan (Bridge Room) and not to the lobby of the Club Med


Bal Koire:

We have a Bal Koire for Shabbat Mikeitz but looking for one of the following Shabbat! Let me know if you can do it. Thanks.


I would like to thank Dano Schmelzer for all the preparations he has done organizing this minyan and we wish  you all “a lechtigen Chanukka”! Looking forward to seeing you in the mountains.


(e-mail:  –  Text messages and phone calls +41 (0)79 400 66 00)

PS: regarding Whatsapp-group see update of 8.12.2022



update 8.12.2022


Dear Friends and Mitpalelim of St. Moritz


As in previous years we will organize a minyan in St. Moritz for the winter season. Until December 22nd, there is going to be the hotel program at Kempinksy (December 13th until December 22nd); so nothing has to be organized from our side.

Our privately organized daily minyan will be iy’H from December 22nd until January 2nd at the Apartment Nr. 304, House Allod, (Via dal Bagn 1, 7500 St. Moritz-Bad). 

The davening times will be announced later. If it has not already been done, please let me know if you are coming, from when to when you are coming and how many minyan people. ( or text message to +41 79 400 6600).

Our Minyan St. Moritz – chat in whatsapp will also be open during that period; please let me know if you want to be added, It is the safest way to be always up to date. Just let me have your mobile/Whatsapp number and you will get the invitation code

Looking forward to seeing you in the mountains



P.S. We will inform at a later time for the minyan in Febrary




Shanah Tovah and

update 25.09.2022


Dear Friends and Mitpalelim of the Minyan St. Moritz.

After our Summer Season has ended I would like to wish you all a Shanah Tovah for the upcoming New Year and,  at the same time,  thank you for your personal efforts and contributions which made and make this Minyan possible.

The next minyan should start around x-mas. A number of people wish to start already on Erev Shabbat (Friday December 16th). Please let me know ( if you are also interested and it will be our pleasure to organize it.




Summer in St. Moritz 2022

update 15.08.2022


Dear friends

here are some updates!

We have changed some zmanim as from today, especially for Maariv. Please double check so that there is no risk of being to late…. 🙂

Zmanim St Moritz 2022 UPDATE Valid from 160822

There was a mistake in the list for separate swimming… here is the corrected list:

Swimming times St. Moritz 2022_corrected

And last but not least. “Oineg Schabes” is selling again food for Schabes. Here you find the times of when and what and where he is selling as well as a price list:

Oineg Schabes PDF

sommer preisliste


Have a great vacation and enjoy our minyan




Summer in St. Moritz 2022

update 20.07.2022


Here is a list of kosher suppliers/caterers/restaurants, products etc. We can’t live on the good air of the Engadine alone…

Kosher St. Moritz

And here is the detailed kashrut certification for the bakery in St. Moritz for this year (until 31.8.2022)

Rabbi Wieder_kosher bread list bakery St. Moritz (1)



Summer in St. Moritz 2022

update 20.07.2022


Here are the zmanim for our Summer Minyan.  Please click the follwing link to open the file. You can also download it or print it:

link:  Zmaney Tefiloh St. Moritz 2022

For additional information please see my last update.

We wish you all a nice vacation in the mountains.



( / +4179 400 66 00)


update 24.05.2022


Dear friends

This is just a first information regarding the minyan  this Summer.

As in previous years our minyan will be at the Ice Arena, Via Ludains in St. Moritz Bad. It will take place from  July 22nd until August 28th. If there is enough interest, we can possibly start a week earlier, on July 15th. Those who are interested, please let me know in time.

Mr. Arieh Wagner is planning a Kosher program with Starguest, London, at the Grand Hotel Kempinsky from June 30 to the end of August. Thus, also for those who want to come earlier to St. Moritz a minyan is ensured.

About the Zmanej Hatfila and other details I will inform in due course. 

Our Whatsapp group regularly informs about news regarding the minyan. If you are interested please send me your phone number and I will add you to the group with pleasure.

For further questions I am of course – as always – gladly available. My mail address is For urgent matters call +4179 400 66 00

Meanwhile best regards





Winter in St. Moritz 2021/22


update 9.02.2022


Dear all
We will iyH start with our Minyen on Friday, 11 February with Minche/Kabolas Shabbes in a meeting room at Hotel Stahlbad (Club Med), St. Moritz. The address is Via Tegiatscha 21; there is also an entrance with a manual door directly from the main street Via Mezdi and we would kindly ask you to use this entrance.

Following some important information:
– alll participants in the Minyen will have to comply with the 2G rule and provide us with their valid Covid certificate. Please send the certificate to by latest tomorrow.

As a final remark: Neither Jonny or myself will be in St. Moritz this weekend. Hence, someone will have to take the key for the meeting room on Friday and provide his certificate and passport at the reception for purposes of identification. Who is willing to do that? Please let us know. We can only use the room if we find someone who is taking over this small piece of work.

Davening times are as follows:

Zmanim Shabbes Tezave:

Shabbes candle lighting 17.21
Minche/Kabolas Shabbes: 17.25
Shacharis: 08:45
Minche: TBD
Motzei Shabbes: 18:28
Maariv: 18.40

Zmanim weekdays:

Shacharis: 7.45
Minche/Maariv: 17.25

All the best
Jonny & Dan

Whatsapp-Group:  All future updates for this winter will be anounced only on the Whatsapp group “Minyan St. Moritz”. In case you are not yet registered there please send your Whatsapp-number to Jonny (+4179 4006600 or and you will be added there. It’s getting to complicated to send mails, Text messages and whatsapp… Thanks for your understanding.


update 9.12.2021


There will be a minyan from Friday December 24th,  2021, until Sunday, January 2nd, 2022. The minyan will take place at the House Allod (Via dal bagn 1) apartment # 110.

Further information to follow or via our Whatsapp Group. If you are not yet registered on the whatsapp-Group, please send me your name and whatsapp-number to my whatsapp (+4179 400 6600) enabling me to add you there.

Best regards





Summer in St. Moritz 2021


update 19.08.2021

Our minyan for this Summer is coming to an end. This Schabat will be the last time we are davening together. Since most people have left we will be rather “knapp” with minyan, so if you happen to be in St. Moritz please join us.

The zmanim are:

Shabbat parshat Ki Tetze: 20-21 August.
7pm: Mincha & קבלת שבת
8:45am Shacharit
7pm: Mincha
9:09pm Motse Shabbat
9:19pm Maariv
Hadlakat Nerot Erev Shabbes: not before 6:55pm (plag). Until 7:30pm (mizmor shir)

We hope that all participants had a good time in the mountains and enjoyed the the davening as well. Looking forward to seeing you next time!

I would also like to thank you all for your generous contributions which make this minyan possible. Tisku leMitzvot. In case somebody forgot to pay or did not have the time to pay his neder or membership our bank connection is:

  • Graubündner Kantonalbank GKB, Simon Kremer, IBAN: CH56 0077 4010 1045 5570 0
  • If you have a PayPal account, you can pay via PayPal to the following mail address:
כתיבה וחתימה טובה
שנה עם הרבה אושר ושמחה, הרבה שפע וברכה, שנה של שלום – שלום ביננו לבין כל הסובבים אותנו, שלום ביננו לבין עצמנו, שלום ביננו לבין בורא עולם
א גוט געבענטשט יאר


update 06.07.2021

Englisch version (für Text in Deutsch bitte herunter scrollen)!

Dear friends and mitpalelim

Below you will find all the information about the minyan in St. Moritz which iy’H will start this Friday evening, Shabat Matot-Massai. We have taken all possible precautions regarding Covid and are grateful if you cooperate with us.

Venue: The minyan will take place in the gymnastics room of the Eisarena Ludains as in previous years. However, the municipality of St. Moritz has closed the previous access for safety reasons. This now leads to a metal gate on the other side of the ice arena (between the ice field and the horse stables) through which you can reach the minyan. You can see the exact route by clicking on the two pictures below:

Zmanim: By clicking on the link below you can see all the Zmanej hatfilah from 9 July – 22 August. You can also download and print (or save) them..
Zmaney haTfilah

Registration: Again this year, all Mitpalelim must register. This is done through a one-time “first time registration” with your contact details. After that, you only need to sign in your name once a day when you visit the minyan. (For Shabat please do it the day before or by email to You can also send us your “first day registration” by e-mail to the same e-mail address. Like that you avoid standing in line at the minyan. Here is the link:
First Day Registration

Safety: Unfortunately, fears that the number of infections is on the rise again are great worldwide and the authorities’ regulations must be adhered to accordingly. This concerns in particular the mask obligation, the hygiene regulations and the keeping of the distances. Furthermore, we urge all those who do not feel 100% healthy not to participate in the davening.

We had to submit a protection concept to the authorities and urge everyone to adhere to these guidelines. Please also read the update from 8.6.2021 (below, after the German version). You can find the link to the protection concept here: Link Protection Concept.

For all questions you can contact me as usual ( or phone +41 (0)79 4006600). I myself will probably only be in St. Moritz from around mid-July.

I wish you a wonderful and relaxing holiday in the Engadin.


Contributions. Your donations and contributions to the minyan are very welcome. Here is the link for the recommended contributions:
Recommended minimum contributions

Your contributions for the daily Davenen as well as the costs for the auctioned Mizvot and other donations for the “Keren Bet Midrash St. Moritz” can be paid as follows.

  • Hand over the money to our “Gabai-in-charge” or to one of the organizers.
  • You can also deposit the amount at the ATM of the Graubündner Kantonalbank GKB, Via Maistra 1, in St. Moritz-Dorf. Our account is:
  • Kremer Simon (Keren Bet Midrash), account no. 10 104.555.700
  • You can make a bank transfer to:   Graubündner Kantonalbank GKB, Simon Kremer, IBAN: CH56 0077 4010 1045 5570 0
  • If you have a PayPal account, you can pay via PayPal to the following mail address:



Liebe Freunde und Mispalelim

Nachstehend erhalten Sie alle Informationen zu dem Minyan in St. Moritz welches iy’H diesen Freitag Abend, Schabat Matot-Massai, beginnen wird. Wir haben alle möglichen Vorsichtsmassnahmen in Bezug auf Covid getroffen und sind euch dankbar wenn Ihr mit uns kooperiert

Ort: Das Minyan  findet wie  in früheren Jahren im Gymnastik Raum der Eisarena Ludains statt. Allerdings hat die Gemeinde St. Moritz aus Sicherheitsgründen den bisherigen Zugang geperrt.  Dieser führt nun auf der anderen Seite der Eisarena (zwischen Eisfeld und Pferdestallungen) zu einem Metalltor durch welches sie zum Minyan gelangen. Sie sehen den genauen Weg durch Anklicken der beiden folgenden Fotos:

Zmanim: Durch Anklicken des nachstehenden links ersehen sie alle Zmanej hatfilah vom 9. Juli – 22. August. Sie können diese auch downloaden und ausdrucken. Zmaney haTfilah

Registrierung: Auch dieses Jahr müssen sich alle Mitpalelim registrieren. Dies geschieht durch eine einmalige «first time registration» mit den Kontaktdaten. Danach müssen sie nur noch einmal täglich beim Besuch des Minyans ihren Namen eintragen. (Für Schabat bitte entweder am Vortag oder per Mail an  Ihre «first day registration» können sie uns auch jetzt schon per mail senden, an die gleiche mail-adresse.  Sie ersparen sich damit das Schlange stehen am Erev Shabat. Hier ist der link: First Day Registration

Sicherheit: Die Befürchtungen, dass die Ansteckungen wieder zunehmen sind leider weltweit gross und die Vorschriften der Behörden sind dementsprechend radikal . Dies betrifft insbesondere die Maskenpflicht, die Hygiene-Vorschriften und das Einhalten der Distanzen. Ferner bitten wir dringend alle diejenigen, die sich nicht 100% gesund fühlen, nicht an den Tfilot teilzunehmen. Wir mussten den Behörden ein Schutzkonzept einreichen und bitten alle dringend, sich an diese Richtlinien zu halten. Bitte lest auch nochmals das weiter unten stehende update vom 8.6.2021 durch. Das Schutzkonzept findet ihr hier Link : Schutzkonzept

Für alle Fragen können sie sich wie bisher an mich wenden ( oder Tel. +41 79 4006600). Ich selbst werde voraussichtlich erst ab ca. Mitte Juli in St. Moritz sein.

Wir wünschen allen wunderschöne und erholsame Ferien im Engadin


 Ihre Spenden und Beiträge für das Minjan sind uns sehr willkommen.

Empfohlene Minimalbeiträge

Ihre Beiträge für das Davenen sowie die Kosten für die ersteigerten Mizvot und sonstige Spenden für den «Keren Bet Midrasch St. Moritz» können sie wie folgt bezahlen.

  • Übergeben Sie das Geld unserem «Gabai-in-charge» oder einem der Organisatoren
  • Sie können den Betrag auch am Bankautomaten der Graubündner Kantonalbank GKB, Via Maistra 1, im St. Moritz-Dorf einzahlen. Unser Konto lautet: Kremer Simon (Keren Bet Midrash), Konto Nr. 10 104.555.700
  • Sie können eine Banküberweisung vornehmen:  Graubündner Kantonalbank GKB, Simon Kremer, IBAN: CH56 0077 4010 1045 5570 0
  • Falls sie ein PayPal-Konto besitzen bezahlen Sie per PayPal an folgende E-Mail-Adresse:




update 08.06.2021


Dear friends and Mitpalelim

Finally the time has come – later than usual – that I can inform you that also this year, despite challenging circumstances, the Minyan will take place in St. Moritz. Due to a big event in St. Moritz, we could only now achieve that the space on the ice field was given to us again. The erection of a tent was not possible this year, because the space is partly occupied by a big event organized through the municipality of St. Moritz.

The minyan is planned for the period from Friday, July 9th to Sunday, August 22nd; as in previous years in the space on the Ice Arena Ludains. I will communicate more details about the zmanim etc. in due course.

In Switzerland there are still regulations of the BAG (Federal Office of Public Health) concerning Corona, that means the rules of masks, hygiene and social distancing as well as a maximum number of people in the room are valid. We do not yet know what these regulations will look like in the summer. However, it is impossible to avoid that we will have to conduct several minyanim at regular intervals during the high season. The details will follow. To enable us to estimate how many people we can expect in St. Moritz, I ask you to confirm me briefly with a mail, SMS (text message) or Whatsapp when and how many people will arrive (including children). ( / +41 79 400 66 00)

I know that in our circles the official regulations are often no more taken seriously by everyone and are considered superfluous. However, we are – especially this year – extremely dependent on the goodwill of the municipality of St. Moritz and we want to maintain this good relationship. So if someone feels that he does not want to or does not have to abide by the laws then we ask him kindly to look for another place for a vacation or a minyan. Neither our “Shames” nor the organizers want to play police and in case of non-compliance we would be forced to close the minyan from one day to the next. And I am sure nobody is interested in that. I count on you

I look forward to welcoming all or many of you back in good health this summer. Meanwhile best regards





Winter in St. Moritz 2021


update 18.02.2021


Smanim für Schabat Parschat T’ruma / Sachor

Freitag Eingang Schabat: 17:34

Mincha / Kabalat Schabat: 17:40

Schacharit: 08:30 (beginnend mir R. Yischmoel oimer/Hoidu!)

Mincha: 13.00

Mozae Schabat: 18:39

Maariv: 18:50


spezielles zusätzliches Lejnen Paraschat Sachor für Frauen

10 Minuten vor Mincha, 12:50


für alle T’filot gilt:

totale Rücksichtsname auf Corona-Vorschriften. Maskenpflicht und Hände Desinfektion für alle.

ab 15 Mitpalelim werden Fenster geöffnet, bei über 20 Mitpalelim wird das Minjan auf 2 Räume aufgeteilt.

Git Schabes




update 15.02.2021

Es sind bedeutend mehr Mitpalelim in St. Moritz erschienen als anhand der Anmeldungen zu erwarten war. Schade; so ist eine Planung sehr schwierig geworden!

ab heute, Mincha (15/2/2021) davenen wir in 2 verschiedenen Räumen, gleich nebeneinander!

Musikzimmer 1

Mincha 17:30

Maariv  18:35

Schacharit 08:00 (Bruches)


Musikzimmer 2

Mincha/Maariv zusammen : 17:30

*Schacharit 07:45 (pünktlich!! beginnend mit “Hoidu“) Dies ist ein schnelles Minyan und mit striktester Auslegung der Corona-Regeln. 


There are significantly more Mitpalelim in St. Moritz than expected from the registrations. Too bad; so planning has become very difficult!

From today, Mincha (15/2/2021),  we daven in 2 different rooms, right next to each other!

Music room 1

Mincha 17:30

Maariv 18:35

Shacharit 08:00 (Bruches)


Music room 2

Mincha/Maariv together : 17:30

*Shacharit 07:45 (on time!! starting with “Hoidu”) This is a fast minyan and with strictest interpretation of Corona rules. 


update 10.02.2021


Zmaney T’filah February 2021


Thursday 11.2.2021:  Shacharit 07:45,  Mincha/Ma’ariv 17:20

Friday 12.2.2021 (Rosh Chodesh): Shacharit 07:30,  Mincha/Ma’ariv 17:20

Shabbat P. Mishpatim 13.2.2021 (Rosh Chodesh/P. Sh’kalim): Shacharit 08:30 (starting with Hodu!) Mincha to be decided on Shacharit. Mozae Shabbat 18:30, Maariv 18:40

weekdays Sunday to Friday 14.-19.2.2021: Shacharit 07:45, Mincha/Maariv 17:30

Shabbat P. Teruma 20.2.2021 (P. Zachor!): Shacharit 08:30 (starting with Hodu!) Mincha to be decided on Shacharit. Mozae Shabbat 18:39, Maariv 18:50

Sunday 21.2.2021: Shacharit 07:30,  Mincha/Ma’ariv 17:35

Rest of the week: depending on the number of Mitpalelim still being in St. Moritz


update 28.01.2021

(please scroll for the english version)

Liebe Freunde

Das Echo für ein Februar Minjan ist immer noch bescheiden. Mit Mispalelim aus dem Ausland können wir in der heutigen Zeit praktisch nicht rechnen.

Wir haben anhand der eingegangenen Anmeldungen entschieden, dass wir sicher ein Minjan haben werden für Schabat Parschat Schkalim (Rosch Chodesch) und beginnen am

Freitag, 12. Februar, Mincha 17:20 Uhr im Hotel Laudinella, Musikzimmer.
Schabat Schacharit: 08:30 (Hoidu)

Der Raum ist gross genug für die Abstandspflichten und wird gelüftet. Es besteht im ganzen Haus absolute Maskenpflicht!

Wir gehen davon aus, dass wir auch danach für mindestens eine Woche ein Minjan haben werden und werden also kurz vorher oder vor Ort über die Weiterführung entscheiden.

Ich wünsche allen einen gesunden Winterurlaub und stehe für Rückfragen gerne zur Verfügung. Ebenfalls bin ich weiterhin dankbar für eure Anmeldungen. (email:, SMS/Whatsapp 079 4006600)



Dear friends

The response for a February minyan is still modest. We can practically not count on Mispalelim from abroad in these days.

We have decided, based on the registrations received, that we will certainly have a minyan for Shabat Parshat Shkalim (Rosh Chodesh) and will begin on

Friday, 12 February, Mincha 5:20 pm in the Hotel Laudinella, Music Room.
Shabat Shacharit: 08:30 (Hodu).

The room is large enough for the distancing obligations and will be aired. There is an absolute obligation to wear masks in the whole house!

We assume that we will have a minyan for at least one week afterwards and will therefore decide shortly before or on the spot whether to continue.

I wish everyone a healthy winter vacation and will be happy to answer any questions. I am also still grateful for your registrations. (email:, Text message/Whatsapp 079 4006600)




update 22.01.2021

Liebe Freunde, mit meinem letzten mail vom 4. Januar bat ich um Bescheid bis spätestens Mitte Januar wer an einem Minyan im Februar interessiert ist. Die Antworten kamen allerdings nur sehr zögerlich.

Mit den jetzigen Anmeldungen können wir leider kein Minyan organsisieren. Falls sich jemand nicht angemeldet hat, aber vor hat zu kommen, erbitte ich Bescheid bis spätestens Sonntag Abend. Danach werden wir uns endgültig entscheiden.


Dear friends, in my last email of 4 January I asked for information by mid-January at the latest about who is interested in a minyan in February. However, the replies were very hesitant.

Unfortunately, we cannot organise a minyan with the current registrations. If someone has not registered but plans to come, please let me know by Sunday evening at the latest. After that we will make a final decision.

mail: or text/whatsapp: 079 400 66 00



update 04.01.2021

We finished our  December/January Minyan yesterday. Baruch Hashem it was successfull and the Mitpalelim liked the new location at the “Laudinella”.

We can rent the same location again in February if there is enough interest in having a minyan at that period. To do this I have to know by mid January who is interested. Please let me know as soon as possible in case you want to join, what period we can count on you and how many men you will be. It is absolutely necessary to know this on time. You can let me know by mail: or text/whatsapp: 079 400 66 00

Looking forward to see you soon again


For those who have not yet had the opportunity to hand over or transfer their contribution for their Nedarim or the rent for the last two weeks here are the payment details:

Bank: Graubündner Kantonalbank GKB, St. Moritz

Account name: Kremer Simon (Keren Bet Midrash)

IBAN: CH56 0077 4010 1045 5570 0  (Account Number: 10 104.555.700)

or, for those using PayPal:


or simply via browser: Paypal.Me/minyanstmoritz

Tisku leMitzvot


update 22.12.2020


The privately organized minyan will start this Friday evening. For security reasons you will have to contact Jonny Kremer (079 400 66 00 by text/whatsapp or or Dan Schmelzer ( to get the details.

Looking forward to seeing you. Stay healthy!




update 09.12.2020


Dear friends and Mitpalelim

The winter season is just around the corner. Corona continues to make davening together difficult and the current regulations do not allow us to meet in a private house.

We have provisionally reserved a room in the Hotel Laudinella and if the situation does not change we will have a minyan there from 23rd or 24th December (depending on arrivals) to 3rd January. Please let me know if you are attending and when exactly. Should there be any changes with the regulations I will let you know.

Social distancing and face masks will be mandatory.

There may also be a minyan on Shabbat Chanukkah. Who is in St. Moritz and interested? Contact me for details.

A lechtigen Chanukkah
+4179 400 66 00 (Whatsapp and SMS)


Summer in St. Moritz 2020


update 19.08.2020


Dear Friends, dear Mitpalelim of the minyan in St. Moritz

Our minyan of this summer is coming to an end. Tomorrow morning, first day of Rosh Chodesh Elul,  we will have our last minyan in the tent; in the afternoon it will be dismantled. The davening there was quite a memorable experience and we are happy that everything went smoothly. 

Mr. Wagner of the Hotel Kempinsky has kindly offered that those who are still staying in St. Moritz may davenen there over the weekend. The Zmanej haTfilah will be:

Thursday, Mincha/Maariv together, 18:50

Friday, Shacharit, 08:30

Kabalat Shabbat: 19:30

Shabbat, Shacharit: 08:30, Mincha 19:00, Maariv bizmanoh

Sunday morning: 08:30

At the request of the hotel it is very important that you register in advance. Otherwise the hotel might refuse entry. Please call or send a Whatsapp to Yochai Wahave, Tel. +41 (0)78 607 50 14 for registration. 

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for all the generous donations to cover the tremendous costs of this spezial minyan. I am pleased to inform you that – with the promised sums still to be paid – we have managed to cover almost all the expenses. Kol haKavod! For those who have not yet had the opportunity to transfer their contribution or hand it over to the Gabbai here are the payment details again:

Bank: Graubündner Kantonalbank GKB, St. Moritz

Account name: Kremer Simon (Keren Bet Midrash)

IBAN: CH56 0077 4010 1045 5570 0  (Account Number: 10 104.555.700)

or, for those using PayPal:


or simply via browser: Paypal.Me/minyanstmoritz

I wish you all a safe journey home, a giten choidesh and K’tivah weChatimah tovah. I am looking forward to seeing you all again in the best of health iy’H next Summer (or already in winter). 



update 24.07.2020

Dear Friends,

With God’s help we have managed to set up our “Bet Midrash in the tent” in time. Tonight, Erev Shabat, iy’H, will be our first – albeit on a smaller scale – official Davenen there. Mincha will be at 19:05, Hadlakot Nerot not before 19:27 and tomorrow Shacharit at 08:45. Please do not forget to bring your own Sidurim, Chumaschim, Talles and everything you need. For health reasons we have brought only small reserves this year.

After the intensive preparation work it is now time to say some “thank you“.

I would like to thank the many mails from people from near and far who have expressed their gratitude and appreciation  for making the impossible possible and – in spite of Covid-19 – for setting up an “Ohel”, a “Mikdash me’at”, which will allow the many visitors to have a regular, worthy Davening in the Alps. Of course I was very pleased with each mail.. But actually they  were addressed to the wrong person. I alone would have never been able to organize all this by myself.

Therefore my thanks go first and foremost to Dan Schmelzer (he will kill me for that😊). With much heart and soul he has supported me – despite a full calendar – for weeks and months in all matters and only together could this work be completed. Thanks Dano.

I would like to thank Roni Shaffermann, who showed up at the “construction site” rather by chance and immediately, without asking anyone, lent a hand and was a great help yesterday when we were setting up the inside of the tent. that means to be at the right time at the right place.

I would also like to thank Chananja Schmelzer. You, Chananja,  sacrificed a holiday day although you surely would have had more fun things to do than to set up our Bet Midrash. This makes you a real role model for all your schoolmates and colleagues what a “Kol Ha’osskim betzorche Zibur be’emunah” means. Can we book you already for next year?

I would like to thank all of you who have already volunteered to help us and those who will certainly do so in the coming weeks. Be it as Gabaim, be it for Kriat haTorah, as Baley T’filah or by participating with big donations and whatever else is needed. This is no small undertaking. After all, we will run about 160 T’filot Bezibur within less than 4 weeks and (based on the registrations, the numbers and days of our expected Mitpalelim)  this should account for 7’500 – 9’000 times that a person will be davening with a minyan. May the Rsh’O hear all these T’filot.

Last but not least, I would like to thank my dear wife Mirjam, who once again has come up short because I was sitting in the office, busy with two “Corona-Minyanim”, instead of home. But you took it with a smile. Thanks and sorry. I will try to make up for it and devote myself more to the family in the next weeks 😊.

And I would like to thank – first of all – the Riboinoi shel Oilom for giving me the koyech and the energy to undertake such a project and – quite frankly – for even having fun with it.

Here are some  pictures of our project “Bet Midrasch in the tent” . Just klick on them to enlarge!

the Tent


Gut Schabes




update 22.07.2020

Für Deutsch siehe die kursiv gedruckte Zusammenfassung weiter unten


Dear friends,

We have good news! Today we started building the tent and iy’H we will start with the summer minyan on friday morning.

Please click on the following link to open a printable version of all zmaney hatfilah: Zmaney T’fila

We want you to know, that we have to and we want to keep very strict security measures all the time. The security and the health of each mitpalel in our bet midrash has first priority. We therefore kindly ask you to study these safery  measures in advance and to keep them rigorously. By davening in our minyan you agree to keep these instruction.

safety measures in english : Safety Measures

safety measures in german: Sicherheitsmassnahmen

Rav Hersh Mejlech Padwa shlita, the More Zedek of the Kehillat Agudas Achim in Zurich,  joins us in aksing you to adhere to these instructions with no exeptions: letter Rav Padva


Extraordinary circumstances require an extraordinary effort!

We have done everything possible to organise a minyan under these extraordinary circumstances. But please keep in mind, that this also involves extraordinary costs. Please read and print therefore also the following information with all the payment details. We thank you in advance for your extrordinary efforts.

payment instructions in english: Extraordinary times….

payment instructions in german: Ausserordentliche Umstände….


Please note that the bakery in St. Moritz-Bad has again “Pass Yisroel” for the whole summer. They will tell you which bred you are allowed to buy.

If necessary further updates will follow. I wish you a great vacation in the Swiss alps and stay healthy!



Liebe Freunde, liebe Mitpalelim

Wir haben gute Nachrichten! Heute haben wir mit dem Aufbau des Zeltes begonnen, und iy’H werden wir am Freitagmorgen mit dem Sommer-Minyan beginnen.
Bitte klicken Sie auf den folgenden Link, um eine druckbare Version aller zmaney hatfilah zu öffnen:Zmaney T’fila

Wir möchten, dass Sie wissen, dass wir sehr strenge Sicherheitsmaßnahmen einhalten müssen und wollen. Die Sicherheit und die Gesundheit eines jeden Mitpalels in unserem Bet Midrasch hat oberste Priorität. Wir bitten Sie daher eindringlich, diese Sicherheitsmaßnahmen im Voraus zu studieren und strikt einzuhalten. Mit dem davenen in unseren Minyan stimmen Sie zu, diese Anweisungen einzuhalten.

Sicherheitsmassnahmen in englisch: Safety Measures

Sicherheitsmassnahmen in deutsch: Sicherheitsmassnahmen

Rav Hersh Mejlech Padwa shlita, der More Zedek des Kehillat Agudas Achim in Zürich, bittet Sie gemeinsam mit uns, diese Anweisungen ohne Ausnahmen zu befolgen: letter Rav Padva


Aussergewöhnliche Umstände erfordern eine ausserordentliche Anstrengung!

Wir haben alles Mögliche getan, um unter diesen aussergewöhnlichen Umständen einen Minyan zu organisieren. Aber bitte bedenken Sie, dass dies auch mit ausserordentlichen Kosten verbunden ist. Bitte lesen und drucken Sie deshalb auch die folgenden Informationen mit allen Zahlungsdetails. Wir danken Ihnen im Voraus für Ihren ausserordentlichen Einsatz.

payment instructions in english: Extraordinary times….

payment instructions in german: Ausserordentliche Umstände….


Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Bäckerei in St. Moritz-Bad wieder “Pass Jisroel” für den ganzen Sommer in ihrem Assortiment führt. Dort erfahren Sie, welches Brot Sie kaufen dürfen.

Falls nötig, werden weitere Updates folgen. Ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Urlaub in den Schweizer Alpen und bleiben Sie gesund!






update 15.07.2020

Für Deutsch siehe die kursiv gedruckte Zusammenfassung weiter unten



Dear friends and visitors to St. Moritz,

Finally, we can give you some more information about the summer minyan this year. As mentioned previously, our main problem is that we need to keep a distance of 1.5 meters from each person to the other during our T’filot.  We will have between 120 and 150 people after Tisha beAv which means that our normal room at the Ice Field is by far too small (we could only accommodate about 40 people).

 Baruch Hashem we were able to get permission from the municipality of St. Moritz to put up a big tent just between the Ice Arena and the horse stables at Via Ludains (vis-à-vis the Denner supermarket). I have marked it in red on the below  picture: 

click on the picture for full view


The minyan will start on Friday, July 23rd in the morning and will last until Thursday August 20th. We will inform here at a later stage about the Zmaney Hat’filah; especially during the weeks after Tisha beAv we will have up to 3 minyanim for each T’fila daily.

Please note that we will have to keep the instructions of the Swiss government very strictly. And this not only because of the existing regulations but as well in the interest of all our Mitpalelim and also to ensure a good cooperation with the municipality of St. Moritz in the future and to avoid any Chilul Hashem. There will be a special update about the security measures also here in due time.

I therefore recommend everyone to check this website regularly. Thanks.

Please let us know if you are able to serve as a Ba’al Koreh in our minyan.

We are thankful to the municipality of St. Moritz that they gave us this possibility and I wish you all a great holiday in the Swiss Alps.



Liebe Freunde und Feriengäste,

Endlich können wir Ihnen einige Informationen zu unserem Sommer-Minyan geben. Wie bereits erwähnt, besteht unser Hauptproblem darin, dass wir während unseres T’filot einen Abstand von 1,5 Metern zwischen den einzelnen Personen einhalten müssen. Nach Tischa beAv werden ca.120 bis 150 Personen an unseren T’filot teilnehmen was bedeutet, dass der reguläre Raum auf dem Eisfeld viel zu klein wäre (unter Einhaltung der Distanzvorschriften bietet dieser Raum nur Platz für ca. 40 Personen).

Baruch Haschem konnten wir von der Gemeinde St. Moritz die Erlaubnis erhalten, ein grosses Zelt genau zwischen der Eisarena und der Manege an der Via Ludains (gegenüber dem Denner-Supermarkt) aufzustellen. Siehe Bild oben; für volle Ansicht bitte anklicken.

Das Minyan wird am Freitag, 23. Juli morgens starten und bis Donnerstag, 20. August dauern. Wir werden hier zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt über die Smaney Hat’filah informieren; insbesondere in den Wochen nach Tischa beAv werden wir täglich bis zu 3 Minyanim für jede T’fila durchführen.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir die Anweisungen des BAG sehr strikt einhalten müssen. Und dies nicht nur wegen der bestehenden Vorschriften, sondern auch im Interesse aller unserer Mitpalelim und auch, um in Zukunft eine gute Zusammenarbeit mit der Gemeinde St. Moritz zu gewährleisten und jeglichen Chilul Haschem zu vermeiden. Es wird zu gegebener Zeit ein spezielles Update zu den Sicherheitsmassnahmen geben.

Ich empfehle deshalb allen, diese Website regelmässig zu besuchen. Danke.

Bitte teilen Sie uns mit, falls Sie als Ba’al Koreh in unserem Minyan fungieren können.

Wir sind der Gemeinde St. Moritz dankbar, dass wir diese Möglichkeit erhalten habe, und ich wünsche Ihnen allen einen schönen Urlaub in den Schweizer Alpen.





update 09.07.2020


Dear Friends

First of all many thanks to all of who have answered on our last update and shown the interest in participating at the Minyan in St. Moritz this summer. 

We were surprised and impressed of the huge number of guests who will be in St. Moritz in spite of the difficulties caused by Corona. For the weeks following Tisha beAw we have to reckon with about up to 150 Mitpalelim. But this is also causing quite some problems to us. To keep the regulations of the Swiss government – and we intend to do this very strictly – the space of just the ice field is definitely to small. We are therefore discussing alternatives with the community of St. Moritz but we will not get a final reply before next week. 


For the moment being we can only give  you the following information:


  • Be’ezrat Hashem – if nothing unexpected and unforeseen happens – there will be a regular minyan (or rather minyanim 🙂 ) from  Friday, July 24th until Rosh Chodesh Elul, August 20th. (Maybe we can start already on July 20th)


  • Unfortunately, also in Switzerland, the latest number of positive corona tests has increased again and Switzerland has issued new restrictions. People who have been in Israel or in the US up to two weeks before their arriving to Switzerland are forced to be in strict quarantine for 10 days. We are obliged to keep these instructions also for our minyan. and we hope of course, that no further restrictions will follow; this is not in our hands


  • We will have a Gabai from July 27th until August 19th who will also function as “Corona Responsible” which means that he will take care that people keep the rules given from the government. (Hygiene measures, disinfection of hands, social distancing etc.). But – depending on where the minyanim take place – we will need one or two additional people for the whole period who will function as “Corona Responsible”. The same also applies for the period until July 27th. Otherwise it will not be possible to open the minyan. So, whoever is willing and ready to take this job for a certain period please let me know. (By the way, non of the organizers, including me, has a possibility to take this over. I just try to organize the things, but will not be a regular Mitpalel this year)


  • There is an existing  “WhatsApp-Group” regarding the Minyan in St. Moritz. It’s sometimes helpful for information and help. If you want to join this group just let me know by mail or text message.


Further information will follow iy’H next week. Best regards

Jonny ( / 079 400 6600)




update 23.6.2020


Dear friends of St. Moritz from Switzerland and all over the world

First of all I hope that all of you are at good health after these difficult months of Corona.

We are in the middle of planning the minyan for this summer. Swiss regulations make it quite difficult this year to organize a minyan which guarantees the compliance with the rules of the government on one side and the health of all participants on the other side.

One of the main problems is the so called “social distancing”. We are obliged to keep a distance of 1.5 meters from each person to the other and our space at the usual locality is limited. We therefore clarify various alternatives.

To be able to do this it is most important to us to know how many people, more or less, have the intention to be in St. Moritz this summer and in which period. Right now we think that the minyan will be around July 31st until August 20th, maybe starting even earlier.

We ask you therefore to let me know as soon as possible, but latest by end of this week, to give me the following answers:


Name: ………………………………………………………………

Email: ………………………………………………………………

Planning to be in St. Moritz:  yes / no

If “yes”, than: from: ………………………….  to: …………………………………

Number of Mitpalelim: ………………  *

Additional comments: …………………………………………………………………………………………


*please only add men and only over Bar Mitzva. Depending on space we might have to restrict the minyan to only grown up people.

Only with this information we will be able to organize the necessary space and the number of minyanim needed. Your reply is therefore very much appreciated and it is self-understood that in case of space problems we will have to give priority to those people who signed up. Even if you are not sure yet let me please know.

Please send your reply to or text message/WhatsApp +41 (0)79 400 66 00

I wish you a great and healthy summer, wherever you will stay,  and may Hashem finish this pandemic disease soonest.






update 23.01.2020 – regarding February 2020

there will be a minyan at the Hotel Kempinsky from January 26th until February 6th.


As from February 7th onwards the where and when is not yet decided. I will create a Whatsapp-Group for those interested. If so please let me know your Whatsapp Number and you will be added. Thanks


(+41 79 400 6600 or




important update 24.12.2019 


As wished by the majority of the mitpalelim we have changed the weekdays davening time for 

Shacharit to 07:30. (We have to finish on time because of the ski schools)

Mincha/Ma’ariv together this week at 16:30, as from 29/12: 16:35


Winter  5780 (2019/2020) – update 12.12.2019


Dear friends

I am happy to announce that we will start with the minyan on Erev Schabat “Vayeshev”, Friday December 20th, 2019 (see the zmaney hatfilah further down)

  • Please note that the Minyan will be again at the House Allod, Via dal bagn 1 , St. Moritz-Bad,  at the apartment #110 on the first floor. Thanks a lot to our hosts!! Please be on time. It seems that some neighbours find a deep pleasure in closing the entrance door to the building on Shabat, when they know that we want to daven. And we cannot check around the clock if the door is still open. (During the week you can use the bell)
  • On Shabat the main door is closed electronicly. Please use the small entrance two meters on  the right of the main door which  will allows you to enter through the skiroom.
  • We do not have to many people yet so please make it possible to be there and please let me also know if you will participate (in case you have not yet done so)
  • And  please let me know if you are a Bal Kojre and can take over  the lejning (or part of it)
  • You can always contact me by mail ( or by phone/whatsapp (+41 (0)79 400 66 00)


It doesnt look like that there will be another minyan during January.  For February it depends on how many people will let me know that they are there; until now I only know about 3-4 men …

Looking forward to seeing you soon



The Zanim will be as follows:

Friday 20/12:

Candle lighting: 16:17  –  Shkia 16:35  –  Mincha/Kabalat Shabat  16:25


Shabat 21/12: (Parshat Vayeshev)

Shacharit (beginning with R. Yishmael omer/Kadish) 08:45 (Brachot 08:30)

Mincha 12:50  –  Shabat ends: 17:28  –  Maariv: 17:40


Weekdays 22/12 – 27/12 (Chanukka, 1st candle on Sunday evening)

Shacharit (beginning with R. Yishmael omer/Kadish) 08:00 (Brachot 07:45)

Mincha/Maariv (together) 16:30 (to be discussed. If we do not have enough people for Mincha we will daven only Maariv at 17:30)


Friday 27/12:

Candle lighting: 16:21  –  Shkia 16:39  –  Mincha/Kabalat Shabat  16:30


Shabat 28/12: (Rosh Chodesh / Parshat Miketz)

Shacharit (beginning with R. Yishmael omer/Kadish) 08:45 (Brachot 08:30)

Mincha 12:55  –  Shabat ends: 17:32  –  Maariv: 17:45


Weekdays 29/12 – 1/1/2020 (or 2/1/2020 (depending on how many people we will be)

Shacharit (beginning with R. Yishmael omer/Kadish) 08:00 (Brachot 07:45)

Mincha/Maariv (together) 16:35 (to be discussed. If we do not have enough people for Mincha we will daven only Maariv at 17:35)



CONTRIBUTIONS Nedarim, auctions for cleaning  and keeping up the minyan 

Bank Details of the Keren Bet Midrash

Bank Name: GKB – Graubündner Kantonalbank, St. Moritz

Account Name: Kremer Simon            

Account Nr.: 10 104.555.700

IBAN: CH56 0077 4010 1045 5570 0

you can also pay by Paypal:







Winter  5780 (2019/2020) – update 2.12.2019


Dear friends and Mitpalelim of our Minyan in St. Moritz


There is a big lot of snow in the mountains; so it’s time to start the winter season! This mail/message is sent to all of you to find out howm many people will be around and at what dates.

We will surely have a daily minyan on Chanukka.

I have to know who is here on X-mas/New Year and in February. According to the number of people I will try to find a suitable location. If enough people will be here in January I will of course also try to organize something but all this is  only possible if i get your informations.

Please note that Arjeh Wagner of is planning to have a kosher programm at the Hotel Kempinsky at the following periods:

  • kosher vacation from January26th to February 6th, 202027
  • kosher Purim from March 5th to March 15th, 2020

More information you find on 

During these periods the Minyan will be at the Hotel Kempinksy


I am looking forward to your mails at


See you there and best regards






update Erev Rosch Haschanah 5780


Dear friends and Mitpalelim of our Minyan in the mountains.


The minyan we had this summer was b”H a great success and I am looking forward to organize it again iy”H next Summer. (of course there will also be a smaller minyan in winter, please let me know if and when you will be in St. Moritz.)

My thanks go to my friend Dan Schmelzer who is doing it together with me for his main efforts in keeping that minyan running.

My thanks go to all those who were actively involved even without being asked for and especially to the official Gabaim as well as the inofficial Gabaim who are always ready to help quietly in the background.

My thanks go to the community of St. Moritz for renting us this wonderful place and always respect our special wishes

But my biggest thanks go to you, dear Mitpalelim, to make it possible to keep St. Moritz a jewish place where all facets of our jewish community from all over the world have a place to feel well during their vacation and enjoy a “hejmische” atmosphere. Thank you all for for joining and also for your contributions for Nedarim, auctions or just davening which makes it possible to keep the minyan running for the next years. (In case somebody forgot to pay his promissed contribution or didn’t know where to transfer it, I repeat the bank details just on the bottom of this mail).

I wish you all Shanah Towah umetukah, shnat shalom vebriut, Nachat veHazlachah Ktiva veChatima tova



Bank Details of the Keren Bet Midrash

Bank Name: GKB – Graubündner Kantonalbank, St. Moritz

Account Name: Kremer Simon            

Account Nr.: 10 104.555.700

IBAN: CH56 0077 4010 1045 5570 0


you can also pay by Paypal:




Minyan St. Moritz, Summer 2019   /   update 21.07.2019

We were able to settle the Problem. Minyan starts today, sunday evening,
Mincha Maariv 20:10, Shacharit Monday morning 08:00


Minyan St. Moritz, Summer 2019   /   update 18.07.2019

Dear Friends

For technical reasons beyond our control we had to postpone the start of our minyan for one day. The minyan will only start on 

Monday, July 22nd, at Mincha/Maariv 20:10

I am sorry for that.

You find a list with all zmaney Hatfila under the following link which can also be downloaded and printed. Please check the list from time to time, there might be some changes. 

Zmanim Summer 2019


I am happy to inform you that the bakery at St. Moritz-Bad is again under full Hashgachah and the bread which is Pass Yisrael is clearly marked.. The bakery is also selling other kosher products.

Have a great vacation


( or (+41) 079 400 66 00 )


Minyan St. Moritz, Summer 2019   /   update 24.06.2019

Dear Friends

The summer season will start soon and we are looking forward to see and meet you in St. Moritz.

Our regular Minyan on the icerink (St. Moritz-Bad) will start on Sunday, July 21st and will close on Sunday, September 1st . I guess most of you know by now where it is, Newcomers please scroll down to the old updates of last summer.

For those who will arrive before we open our Bejs Medresh on the icerink there will be a private minyan at the Hotel Kempinsky, organized by Arieh Wagner of who is running a 1st class kosher program at the Hotel Kempinsky from June 30th until September 1st. Guest are wellcome! (Additional information you will find here

This is a pré-avis; an update with all the zmanej hatfilah will follow in due time.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me by mail or by phone/whatsapp +41 79 400 6600 (but please no calls before July 5th; I am going to be out of country)

Best regards and have a great summer


update 07.02.2019

Dear Friends, we will have again a minyan from Friday evening, February 15th, until Sunday morning, February 24th.

Smaney Tfilah:

Friday February 15th, Candlelighting 17:27, Mincha Kabalat Shabat: 17:35 (Shkia 17:45)

Schabat February 16th, Parschat Tetzaveh: Shacharit 08:30, Mincha 13:00 Motzae Schabat 18:32, Maariv 18:45

Weekdays: Shacharit 08:00, Mincha/Mariv together 17:30

Friday February 22nd, Candlelighting 17:37, Mincha Kabalat Shabat: 17:45 (Shkia 17:55)

Schabat February 23rd, Parschat Ki Tissa: Shacharit 08:30, Mincha 13:00 Motzae Schabat 18:43, Maariv 18:55

I doubt that we have enough people for a minyan before February 15th. .In case you will be there a few days before,  and interested in a minyan,   you would have to let me know (if you havn’t done so by now). If there is a real demand I can organize it.

Please note that the Minyan will be again at the House Allod, Via dal bagn 1 , St. Moritz-Bad, but this time at the apartment #110 on the first floor. Thanks a lot to our hosts!! Please be on time. it seems that some neighbours find a deep pleasure in closing the entrance door to the building when they know that we want to daven. And we cannot check around the clock if the door is still open.

On Shabat the main door is closed electronicly. Please use the small entrance 2 meters on  the right of the main door which  will allow you to enter through the skiroom

Another thing: When we had a minyan in December/January the key to the apartment went from hand to hand and was than given back to the lady who cleans and takes care for that apartment. (I don’t know who had the key last since I have left before). Apparently the key was given back without the blue electronic chip. Can those who had the key for a certain period please check if the chip is still with you?

For any further information you can, as usual, contact me by mail or phone/sms/whatsapp +41(0)79 400 6600.

Looking forward to seeing you in the mountains


update 30.1.2019

Are we going to have a minyan in February ?

Dear friends and regular visitors of St. Moritz

I will have to decide by the next weekend if we will have a minyan in St. Moritz in February or not. Until now I only know about very few people who are coming and I cannot organize it last minute. By experience i know that – unfortunately – many people just show up and than ask if there is a minyan today or tomorrow….

So  p l e a s e  let me know in advance if you are planning to be there, from which date to which date, how many man counting for a minjan, and if interested only for Shabat or also the weekdays. Thanks a lot.

my email:


update 2.1.2019

Dear friends and regular visitors of St. Moritz.

Yesterday we had the last minyan of the December and New Year season. The minyan is now closed for the moment. Here are some informations for the rest of this Winter


The way it looks there will not be another minyan during January, I have only very few requests. Never the less, if you are interested let me know with exact dates and how many men who count for the minyan. If I will see that we have enough people “for sure” than  I will try to organize it.


Also for February I do not have enough requests by now but I know of a number of people who showed interest. So please let me know by mail, text message or WhatsApp exact dates and number of men. That’s the only way to make it possible


Arjeh Wagner of STARGUEST is running a Kosher Purim Vacation at the Kempinsky Grand Hotel during the period of March 17th to 31st. So there will be a minyan there.

By the way: there is a “20% Early Booker Discount”. So if you are interested in this program hurry up and  klick this link: Wagner at Kempinsky  (nooo, I don’t get a commission 🙂 )

השבת אבידה

A pair of black gloves, branded “Reusch” was left at the minyan this or last week. If it’s yours, please let know


If you have auctioned an Aliyah or made a Neder last Shabat and do not know where to pay it:

Bank Name: GKB – Graubündner Kantonalbank, St. Moritz

Account Name: Kremer Simon

Account Nr.: 10 104.555.700

IBAN: CH56 0077 4010 1045 5570 0

All contributions are used for keeping up the minyan whenever possible, for paying rents in Summer (thanks to the Family Sternbuch who – once again – allowed us to use their apartment for free during the Winter season), for buying Sfarim, the Shabat Kidusch, cleaning people and all which is needed.  And if there is a surplus we will need it – אם ירצה ה׳ – for the all year minyan place which we still hope to have on day !


You can always reach me by:

mail :

Text message /WhatsApp: +4179 400 6600

Please check this site from time to time for updates. Have a great 2019 with a lot of vacations


update 26.12.2018

Her are the final zmanim for December/January 2018/2019

weekdays (until January 2nd, 2019)

Shacharit: 08:00 (beginning with “Rabbi Yishamael omer/Kadish/Hodu”)

Mincha / Ma’ariv: 16:25, as from Sunday December 30: 16:30

Shabat,  Parashat “Shemot”, December 28/29th

latest Candel Lighting 16:22

Mincha/Kabalat Shabat 16:25

Shacharit 08:45  (beginning with “Rabbi Yishamael omer/Kadish/Hodu”), (Brachot 08:30)

Mincha 12:50

Mozae Schabat / Havdalah 17:33

Tfilat Mozae Shabat: about 17:50, (allowing Mitpalelim to arrive by car)

the informations regarding the location you find on my last update

Regarding February: Please let me know on time if you intend to spend time in St. Moritz. Only after receiving enough echos I can let you know if and when there will be a minyan ( or text message to my mobile phone.


update 18.12.2018

Dear friends of St. Moritz

Next week we will start again with the Winter season and our minyan in the mountains.

Until Sunday, December 23rd, there is an existing minyan at the Hotel Kempinsky.

As from Monday, December 24th, the minyan will be at the House Allod, Via dal Bagn 1, St. Moritz in Apartment #304. Shacharit on weekdays at 08:00. Depending on how many mitpalelim we have we will discuss there about Mincha/Maariv. Also zmanim for Shabat will be decided there and published later.

On Shabat please use the narrow entrance on the right side of the main (automatic) door

It is intended to have this minyan until January 2nd 2019. For January and February I do not yet know if and when we might have a minyan. This can only be decided if I get the informations from YOU if and when you will be there :). Please do not hesitate to contact me. or 079 400 66 00


update 23.8.2018

Dear friends. We will have the last minyan of the season next Shabat, 25.8.2018, Parshat Ki Teze. The minyan is only for Shacharit and will take place at the House Allod, Via dal Bagn 1, St. Moritz-Bad at 8:30am in the apartment of Family Schreiber, second floor, apt.# 209.

Since the main door opens electrically, the entrance to the building  will be on the right side of the main entrance through the ski/bycicle room.

Since we are rather tight for this minyan i would be happy if you can send me a message or call me on my mobile phone +41 (0)79 400 66 00 if you can participate

I take the opportunity to thank all the mitpalelim of this summer for making it possible to have a minyan during the whole season. This is my last mailing for the summer season; I will make the next updates for the winter season iy’H.

In case you made a neder this summer or wanted to make a contribution to the “Minyan St. Moritz” you will find the bank account by scrolling a few lines further down.

Schanah tova, Ktiva vechatima tova



Important update 9.8.18 

for the coming  weekend Parshat R’eh / Rosh Chodesh Elul !

Schabat morning 11/8/18: only one shacharit at 08:30 am

Sunday morning 12/8/18: only one shacharit at 08:00 am

Dear Friends of the minyan St. Moritz

I am happy to announce that we will have a regular minyan again this summer. The minyan will take place at the ice field  “Eisarena Ludains”, Via Ludains 5, 7500 St. Moritz,  as in the past years. ,A link to the map you will find by clicking here: Minyan Eisarena Ludains

The Minyan will start on Erev Shabat Matat/Massai, July13th, 2018 and will end on Rosh Chodesh Elul August 12th, 2018. 

All Zmanej Tfilah will be published on the board of the minyan.

A printable and downloadable version of the zmanim for the whole season you can see by clicking on the following link:  Zmanim St. Moritz Summer 2018 

The bakery “St. Moritz-Bad” at the Via dal Bagn 4 will have “Pass Yisroel” and also sell a number of Kosher items. If you buy bread ask for “Kosher Bread” and they will tell you which one is ok. Further down you find some helpful informations about shopping kosher food in Zurich and about contributions to the minyan.

I am looking forward to meet all regular St. Moritz Guests (as well as new ones!) in the mountains and wish you already now a great, happy and healthy vacation.

If you need any information please do not hesitate to contact me by mail “” or – if necessary – by phone +41 (0)79 400 6600. For personal reasons I will not be able to be in St. Moritz most of the time but will try to answer you questions as soon as possible.

As from July 19th we will also have our Gabai, Jechiel Altmann, there  who can give you all the  the answers you need. His phone number is 078 870 6715; his email:


Contributions to Minyan St. Moritz if you enjoyed the dawening

your contributions for rental and our future Minyan, nedarim, auctions etc. can be sent by bank transfer to the following account:

Bank Name: GKB – Graubündner Kantonalbank, St. Moritz

Account Name: Kremer Simon

Account Nr.: 10 104.555.700

IBAN: CH56 0077 4010 1045 5570 0

You can also pay at the desk of the GKB in St. Moritz-Dorf or give it directly to our Gabaim

Kosher vacation: The Hotel Kempinsky together with the reknowned caterer Arjeh Wagner is running a glatt kosher Summer program from from July 2nd until August 19th. For reservation and meals please contact the hotel directly.

Buying food in Zurich and bringing it up to the mountains:

Restaurant Olive Garden (Lavaterstreet 33) main Restaurant
Restaurant Fein + Schein, (Schöntalstr. 14) milky Restaunt as well as take out (as far as i know also fleishig take out for shabat). open 12-2 and 6-9pm only. Information at telefone 044 241 3040
Restaurant Kosher Bagels ( Bederstr. 102) Snack, Pizza and take out, milchig
LeShuk  (Waffenplatzstr. 53) Big Shop for all Kosher Food also prepared for Shabat meals
Kosher City (Aemtlerstr. 8/Westr.) Big Shop for all Kosher Food also prepared for Shabat meals. just 2 steps from Agudat Achim
“Oineg Schabes” Kosher Delicatessen, Phone Moishe Jitzchok Franzos, Tel. 078 745 8909


old/ previous updates:

UPDATE March 4TH, 2018

Today is the last day of the winter season for this year. Thanks to everybody who was participating for a long or short time… at the Allod or at the Kempinsky. It’s good to know that Jewish live in st. Moritz is still vibrating. (Shacharit today at 08:00am)

Looking forward to see you all in summer again



Thanks to all who made the Minyan possible on Schabat Zachor.

As from Monday February 26th the Minjan will be at the HOTEL KEMPINSKI until March 5th. (Ask at the reception where the “Kosher Place” is.)

Shacharit at 8:00am  –   Mincha/Maariv 6.00pm.   

Zmanim for Taanit Ester and Purim

Wednesday / Taanit Ester: 

Schacharit 8:00am, Mincha 5:45pm, Maariv 6:45pm (Fast ends 6:50pm), Megilat Ester after Maariv

Thursday / Purim:

Schacharit 8:00am, followed by Megilat Ester, Mincha: 5:30pm

For all additional informations regarding Davening or the kosher program please call Yochai  +41 (0)78 607 5014

Jonny (+41 79 400 66 00 –

Contributions to Minyan St. Moritz if you enjoyed the dawening
your contributions for rental and our future Minyan, nedarim, auctions etc. can be sent by bank transfer to the following account:

Bank Name: GKB – Graubündner Kantonalbank, St. Moritz

Account Name: Kremer Simon

Account Nr.: 10 104.555.700

IBAN: CH56 0077 4010 1045 5570 0


Zmanej Tfilah shabat Parshat Zachor

Candle lighting: 17:39

Friday evening Mincha/Kabalat Shabat:  17.55

Shabat Morning: 08:30

Shabat ends / Havdalah: 18:44

House Allod, Apartment #305, Via dal Baign 1, St. Moritz Bad

(+41 79 400 66 00 –



We are short of 1 or 2 people for the coming Shabat Parshat Zachor (February 24th). If you might be there please let me know asap. Thanks


(+41 79 400 66 00 –


Friday February 16th, Shacharit  08:00 Kabalat Schabat 17:45

Shabat February 17th Shacharit 08:30

weekdays Feb 18th-23rd Shacharit 08:00 (as long as we have 10 men)

all in Apartment #305

Shabat shalom,  Jonny (+41 79 400 66 00 –


The minyan will start tonight. !!

Today, Erev Shabat Mincha at 17:30

Shabat shacharit at 08:30

House Allod, Apartment #304, Via dal Bagn St. Moritz-Bad

there will be a daily minyan next week at the same place (times for the tfilot will be deceided on shabat for the coming week)

Shabat shalom,  Jonny (+41 79 400 66 00 –


Everything would beready to make a minyan next week (February 4th – 10th) except the Mitpalelim. We are still missing about half a minyan. Therefore no minyan during that period!

In case things should change or you decide to be in St. Moritz please contact

Mr. Schreiber, +41 (0)79 350 42 62 

who is on the spot and will arrange a minyan with pleasure. (I myself am not in St. Moritz).

For the week February 11th – 18th it looks better but also not yet enough people. If I will hear of 2-3 additional man a minyan can be organized. So if you intend to be there plese let me know.

Gut Schabes

Jonny,  or call/message me on my phone  +41 79 400 6600


Dear friends

To be able to organize the minyan from February 4th or 5th until February 24th it is absolutely necessary for me to know who will be in St. Moritz at this time. Otherwise it’s not possible to organize the minyan.

If you have the intention to be there and have not yet replied (thanks to those who did already) please let me know by latest tomorrow. This page will be updated by the end of this week.

Best regards

Jonny,  or call/message me on my phone  +41 79 400 6600


We just finished the first minyan-period December/January and  for the moment being the minyan in St. Moritz is closed.

We will start again on or around February 5th, depending on how many people will be there.

From February 25th until March 5th, over Purim, there will be a kosher program at the Hotel Kempinsky and the Minyan will take place there. (additional information for those interested in the program see the following link: Purim in St. Moritz/Kempinsky 

To organize everything on time it’s quite important for me to know who will be in St. Moritz and join the davening during the period of February 5th to February 25th; especially the last week and Shabat Zachor. Please let me know by mail,,  or call/message me on my phone  +41 79 400 6600.

Thanks a lot!


UPDATE MOZAE SHABAT December 23rd, 2017

Sunday morning (24.12.2017) Shacharit will be at Hotel Kempinksy. Thank your Arjeh Wagner for having had a great minyan during the last 2 weeks and especially Chanukka

Sunday(24.12.2017) Mincha/Maariv will be in House Allod, Via dal Bagn 1, Room Nr. 305 at 16:30.

Monday 25.12.2017 – Monday 2.1.2018 The minyan will always be at House Allod. Schacharit 08:00, Mincha/Maariv 16:30. On Schabat Schacharit will be 08:30 (beginning with Hodu)

December 9th – December 23rd, 2017. There will be a full Kosher program at the Hotel Kempinsky in St. Moritz Bad, catered and organized by the famous Arieh Wagner of StarGuest, London. You can book Rooms or meals by clicking this link Kempinsky kosher by Arjeh Wagner 

The Bet Midrash is open for everybody.

December 24th, 2017 – January 2nd, 2018: We will have a a Minyan on Shabat as well as weekdays if enough Mitpalelim will be there (which I suppose). The Minyan will be at the House Allod, Via dal Bagn 1, St. Moritz-Bad, Appartment # 305

February 2018: Depending on the number of people who will let me know if they will be in St. Moritz at this time there will also be a Minyan in Februry. More information to follow

Please inform me if and when you have the intention to be in St. Moritz. Only than it’s possible to organize a minyan.. Please also inform me if you are a Bal Korea and if you can lejn part or full of the Parasha.

Jonny (+41 (0)79 400 66 00 or

SUMMER 2017 Minyan St. Moritz
Please note, that this site is not connected to the “Minyan Brunau” in Zurich. We have only received permission to use their website for practical reasons
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Zmaneh Tfilah on the right side of this page are n o t the Zmanim for St. Moritz but for the Minjan Brunau in Zurich. The Zmanim for St. Moritz you will find by scrolling down this page to the next entry of July 4th 2017
please also scroll down for further informations regarding kosher food and contributions

important UPDATE Mozae Schabat 19/8/2017 – week of Parshat Shoftim

Please note that from August 20th – August 24th there will be no special Minayan for Ma’ariv (only Mincha/Maariv together)

Please note that from August 21st – August 25th there will be only one Shacharit at 08:00

updated July 4th 2017

I am happy to announce that we will have a regular minyan again this summer. The minyan will take place at the Ice Field “Eisarena Ludains”, Via Ludains 5, 7500 St. Moritz,  as in the past years. , A link to the map you will find by clicking here: Minyan Eisarena Ludains
The Minyan will start on Erev Shabat Pinchas, July14th, 2017 and will end on August 27th. Especially for the first and for the last week I would be happy to get your mail in advance if you intend to be there. Only than we can make sure that we have enough people for a minyan.

All Zmaney Tfilah you will find under the following link which will open a new window and can be printed.
All Zmanim Summer 2017 St. Moritz

The bakery “St. Moritz-Bad” at the Via dal Bagn 4 will have “Pass Yisroel” and also sell a number of Kosher items. If you buy bread ask for “Kosher Bread” and they will tell you which one is ok.

I am looking forward to meet all regular St. Moritz Guests (as well as new ones!) in the mountains and wish you already now a great, happy and healthy vacation.

If you need any information please do not hesitate to contact me by mail or – if necessary – by phone +41 (0)79 400 6600


Contributions to Minyan St. Moritz if you enjoyed the dawening
your contributions for rental and our future Minyan, nedarim, auctions etc. can be sent by bank transfer to the following account:

Bank Name: GKB – Graubündner Kantonalbank, St. Moritz

Account Name: Kremer Simon

Account Nr.: 10 104.555.700

IBAN: CH56 0077 4010 1045 5570 0

You can also pay at the desk of the GKB in St. Moritz-Dorf or give it directly to our Gabaim
Buying food in Zurich and bringing it up to the mountains:

Restaurant Olive Garden (Lavaterstreet 33) main Restaurant
Restaurant Fein + Schein, (Schöntalstr. 14) milky Restaunt as well as take out (as far as i know also fleishig take out for shabat). open 12-2 and 6-9pm only. Information at telefone 044 241 3040
Restaurant Kosher Bagels ( Bederstr. 102) Snack, Pizza and take out, milchig
LeShuk  (Waffenplatzstr. 53) Big Shop for all Kosher Food also prepared for Shabat meals
Kosher City (Aemtlerstr. 8/Westr.) Big Shop for all Kosher Food also prepared for Shabat meals. just 2 steps from Agudat Achim


updated March 3rd, 2017:

Tonight the minyan is in the Kempinski Room 255 at 5.50 pm and tomorrow Shacharis is at the Glatzer Family Appartment House Daniela at Via Surpunt 37 Block B Yellow House 3rd. Floor Appartment facing the lake.

Good Shabes @ all

updated March 1st, 2017: (

There might be a minyan next Shabat (Terumah, March 4th) but this is still very unsure. Since i am not in the mountains over that weekend it will be coordinated by Sam Bloch who is reachable on his mobile +1-914-325-9105. As I said, this is doutbfull and I guess the final decission will only be about friday morning. It is important that you let Sam know if you intend to participate. The minyan would be at the Hotel Kempinsky. By now we know about 6 or 7 people who would join.

As a reminder: We do have a minyan Shabat Zachor/Purim. If you are in St. Moritz please let me know. (And if you can lejn or read the Megilla even better 🙂 )

Jonny (+41 (0)79 400 6600)

updated 25.2.2017- Motza’eh Shabat: 

Thanks to everybody who made the minyan possible during last week and this Shabat. Shavuah Tov and Chodesh Tov.

Tomorrow, Sunday morning (26/2) Rosh Chodesh Adar, we will have a minyan at 08:00 am. The way it looks, this will be the last minyan until Shabat Zachor and Purim. Should anything change, I will let you know.

Again thanks to all who made special efforts to make all tfilot bezibur possible this Shabat!



updated 23.2.2017- 18:30:

There will be a minyan this coming Shabat, Parschat Mishpatim (24/25.2.2017). Mincha/Kabalat Schabat Friday 17:50, Schacharit 08:45. The minyan will take place in Appartment 304, House Allod, Via dal Bagn 1, St. Moritz-Bad. (If the main door is closed please use the entrance to the skiroom wich is about 2 meters right of the main entrance)

By the way: latest candle lighting 17:40 / Motzae Schabat : 18:46

updated 15.2.2017- 16:00:

There will be a minyan the coming Shabat, Parschat Jitro (17/18.2.2017). Mincha/Kabalat Schabat Friday 17:40, Schacharit 08:30. The minyan will take place in Appartment 304, House Allod, Via dal Bagn 1, St. Moritz-Bad. 

From than on this minyan will also take place on weekdays, until after Shabat Mishpatim. Shacharit weekdays 08:00, Mincha/Maariv to be decided there.

Furthermore: We will organize a minyan iyH on Shabat Zachor and Purim. Please let me know if you will be there and if we can count on you.


updated 9.2.2017 midnight 🙂
to see new figures, scroll down. There will also be a minyan weekend Shabat Jitro (Location not yet decided)

updated 8.2.2017 – 18:45pm.
There will be a minyan this Shabat, Beshalach. Address: House Allod, Apartment #209, Family Schreiber. Friday Kabalat Shabat at 17:30, Shabat Shacharit: 08:30

Please also check the other dates, numbers have changed

updated 8.2.2017

Important things have changed!  Hotel Kempinsky has chancelled it’s kosher program in cooperation with Arjeh Wagner. This brought also changes to the time-table of a number of people visiting St. Moritz.

I still did not receive enough confirmations to really set up a minyan during February. But I know by experience that many people are coming without giving me any information and than they are surprised when there is no minyan. Therefore 3 questions to you:

  1. Are you intending to visit St. Moritz in February or beginning march and did not let me know yet please do it now
  2. Will you be in St. Moritz or know about somebody who will be this coming Shabat Parashat Shira, please let me know urgently. We are very close of having a minyan this shabat
  3. Do you intend to be there for Purim, please also let me know soonest

I just cannot organize a place to daven and a Sefer Tora if I am not sure that there will be at least 10 men. Due to the world championship in St. Moritz a lot of people have changed their plans… As from February 12th until begining March there are some Awejlim who have to say Kaddish. If we don’t get the minyan together they might chancel their bookings if I can not make sure that there will be a minyan.

I have not yet counted  or completed the status as from February 26th since I thought that the minyan will be in Kempinsky. Let me know if you will be there.

To make it easier and keep you updated i have added a list thereafter with all dates and how many people are right now confirmed. I will change this list – im yirzeh Hashem – daily. So please keep the link and check it out. (I am not going to send out mails or text messages for each change; only if there is something important you should know)

I am always reachable by email ( and my phone (+41 (0)79 400 6600)


.                                   number of people

Shabat February 18th:          16 (Parashat Jitro)

Sunday February 19th:         15

Monday February 20th:        §4

Tuesday February 21th:       16

Wednesday February 22th:  12

Thursday February 23th:      11

Friday February 24th:           11

Shabat February 25th:         11 (Parashat Shkalim / Mishpatim)

Sunday February 26th:         9  

Monday February 27th:         4

TuesdayFebruary 28th:         4

Wednesday March 1st:         4

Thursday March 2nd:            4

Friday March 3rd:                   3

Shabat March 4th:                  2   (Parashat Teruma)

Weekend Purim   

Friday March 12th:                13  (Mincha Kabalt Shabat)

Shabat March 13th:               13   (Parashat Zachor / Tezaveh)

Sunday March 14th:              12   (Purim)

update January 25th , 2017

Dear friends and Mitpalelim of the minyan in St. Moritz

Here the latest update:

January 27th/28th, Shabat Wa’era /Rosh Chodesh: There will be a private Minyan in St. Moritz at Family Altmann, Residence Du La, Apartment 11, St. Moritz-Bad. If you are interested please call 078 6760714

February 1st to 25th: Until today I have only received very few mails or calls showin an interest in a Minyan so that it looks almost impossible to organize it. Even taking in consideration that all those who showed an interest will also show up, there is probably only a chance for the period of about February 18th -25th. But we are still far away from having a guaranteed Minyan. ( It looks like most Jews are afraid of the “Tovu vavohu” that will be in St. Moritz during the Ski World Championship 🙂 )

Therefore: If you are intending to come (sure or not yet 100% sure) please let me know by latest beginning next week. By then I will have to make decisions. If there will be a minyan at any time I will furter inform here. My email as usual is, my phone for calls or messaging is +41 (0)79 400 66 00. And please don’t forget to indicate exactly from when to when and the number of men
February 26th to April 2nd: The Hotel Kempinsky will run a kosher programm during that period and the minyan will be there. For further information of this program please klick the following link

Kosher Kempinsky .

Best regards



update January 3rd , 2017

In contradiction to my update of yesterday there will be another Minyan on Shabbat Parashat Vajechi (January 14th).

For information about the where and when please contact me.

mail ( or fone (079 400 66 00)



update January 2nd , 2017

Dear Friends and Mitpalelim

today, Monday January 2nd, 05:00pm Mincha and tomorrow January 3rd, 07:30am, Shacharit will be the last two minyanim. It will be in House Allod, Via dal Baign 1,  Appt Nr. 209. Thanks to everybody who participated and contributed – in one way or the other – to the minyan on Chanukka. The lights of yiddishkeit are still burning in St. Moritz 🙂

It does not look like we would have another minyan this month since i did not get sufficient replies of people interested in a minyan.

The same thing is going to be in February. With no echoes I cannot organize a minyan. So if you  a r e  intersted you better let me know. About 15 people told me that they will be in St. Moritz last Shabat; at the end we were almost 40 squeezed in a small room at Shacharit. That way it is quite difficult to organize a minyan.

As usual, my email is, my phone number (+41) 079 400 66 00

Wishing you all the best, have a great Winter and I aom loking forward to see you soon again in the mountains


Contributions to Minyan St. Moritz if you enjoyed the dawening

your contributions for rental and our future Minyan, nedarim, auctions etc. can be sent by bank transfer to the following account:

Bank Name: GKB – Graubündner Kantonalbank, St. Moritz

Account Name: Kremer Simon

Account Nr.: 10 104.555.700

IBAN: CH56 0077 4010 1045 5570 0

You can also pay at the desk of the GKB in St. Moritz-Dorf


update December 12th, 2016

Dear Friends and Mitpalelim at the Minyan St. Moritz

We are happy to anounce that we will have again a daily minyan end of this year:

I would be happy for a short notice if you intend to be there in December. It helps organizing and in Winter there are always less mitpalelim than during the summer; especially this year when some “regulars” might decide to spend chanukka at home.

If by chance you are a Bal Korea or willing to take over part of the lejning please let me know. This would be great.since it is always a problem to find people who can and are willing to prepare

Looking forward to seeing you in the mountains. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me, either by phone +41 79 400 66 00 or by mail (But please note that I will be in Israel until December 26th and only be in St. Moritz from December 27th onwards. But the minyan will also function without me 🙂


Friday, December 23rd, 2016 – Sunday, January 1st, 2017 (possibly until Monday)

The Zmanej Hatfilah will be

Weekdays: Shacharit 07:30 (begining with Hodu), Mincha/Maariv 16:40

Shabat Vayeshev: candle lighting 16:19, Mincha/Kabalat Schabat 16:30, Shacharit 09:00, Mincha 16:30 Mozaej Shabat 17:30
Shabat Mikez: candle lighting 16:24, Mincha/Kabalat Schabat 16:35, Shacharit 09:00, Mincha 16:16:35   Mozaej Shabat 17:35

The Minyan will take place at House Allod, Via dal Bagn 1, St. Moritz-Bad, Apt. Nr. 304 (3rd Floor). Please be on time on shabat, because the electric doors of the building might be closed 15-20 minutes after the beginning of the tfilah..

January: no minyan planned


there will be a minyan as soon as I know when and how many people intend to be in St. Moritz. To organize it I need to know from YOU what your intentions are. Please let me know by mail to I will update this site when I know more


During the whole month of march, including Purim, Mr. Arjeh Wagner, the famous caterer from London, will offer again a Glat kosher program at the Hotel Kempinsky in St. Moritz-Bad. For full information please open the link Kosher Kempinsky.The minyan will take place at the Kempinsky during that period!

Contributions to Minyan St. Moritz if you enjoyed the dawening

your contributions for rental and our future Minyan, nedarim, auctions etc. can be sent by bank transfer to the following account:

Bank Name: GKB – Graubündner Kantonalbank, St. Moritz

Account Name: Kremer Simon

Account Nr.: 10 104.555.700

IBAN: CH56 0077 4010 1045 5570 0

You can also pay at the desk of the GKB in St. Moritz-Dorf

There is no mikva in St. Moritz (and the lake is frozen 😉 )

Some addresses for eating Kosher in St. Moritz:

The bakery in St. Moritz-Bad, Via dal Bagn 4, has Pas Yisrael during the winter season and maybe a small selection of various kosher food to buy. They will tell you which bred is kosher and which not.

the Restaurant “Fein und Schein” in Zurich can send full meals. Please order on time. Phone 044 241 3040

The caterer “Ojneg Shabbes” will deliver kosher specialities with pleasure. Contact: Moische Yzchak Franzos, phone 078 745 8909

Buying food in Zurich and bringing it up to the mountains:

Restaurant Olive Garden (Lavaterstreet 33) main Restaurant
Nr. 4 Restaurant Fein + Schein, (Schöntalstr. 14) milky Restaunt as well as take out (as far as i know also fleishig take out for shabat). open 12-2 and 6-9pm only. Information at telefone 044 241 3040
Nr. 3  Restaurant Kosher Bagels ( Bederstr. 102) Snack, Pizza and take out, milchig
Nr. 1 LeShuk  (Waffenplatzstr. 53) Big Shop for all Kosher Food also prepared for Shabat meals
Nr. 2 Kosher City (Aemtlerstr. 8/Westr.) Big Shop for all Kosher Food also prepared for Shabat meals. just 2 steps from Agudat Achim

update July 17th, 2016

Dear Friends and Mitpalelim at the Minyan St. Moritz

Our web-page has moved. Please note, that this site is not connected to the “Minyan Brunau” in Zurich. We have only received permission to use their website for practical reasons

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Zmaneh Tfilah on the right side of this page are n o t the Zmanim for St. Moritz but for the Minjan Brunau in Zurich. The Zmanim for St. Moritz you will find right down here. For additional information please read also the update 0f 20.6.2016  a little further down

Zmanej Tfilah:   this is the link for all zmanim for the whole summer. The link will open a list in a new page and and you can download  and/or print the list:

Zmanej Tfilah Summer 2016 St. Moritz

(Instructions if you are not a DropBox user:  click on “Download”.  When asked for opening a Dropbox account you just click on the bottom *no thanks …” For printing you might also have to click “activate printing”, depending on your browser )

Some addresses for eating Kosher in St. Moritz:

The bakery in St. Moritz-Bad, Via dal Bagn 4, has Pas Yisrael during the season and also a selection of various kosher food to buy They will tell youwhich bred is kosher and which not.. Bakery St. Moritz

the Restaurant “Fein und Schein” in Zurich can send full meals. Please order on time. Restaurant Fein + Schein

The caterer “Ojneg Shabbes” will deliver kosher specialities with pleasure. Contact: Moische Yzchak Franzos, phone 078 745 8909

The reknowned caterer Arieh Wagner from London runs a kosher program in cooperation with the  Hotel Kempinsky. For meals you can contact the hotel directly. or through the website

update 20.6.2016


SUMMER 2016 (24.7.2016 – 4.9.2016)

I am happy to announce that we will have a regular minyan again this summer. The minyan will take place at the Ice Field “Eisarena Ludains”, Via Ludains 5, 7500 St. Moritz,  as in the past years. , A link to the map you will find by clicking here: Minyan Eisarena Ludains

The Minyan will start on Sunday evening, July 24th and will end on Rosh Chodesh Elul, Sunday, September 4th. Especially for the first and for the last week I would be happy to get your mail in advance if you intend to be there. Only than we can make sure that we have enough people for a minyan.

All Zmanej Hatfilah and further informations will be published here in due time, please check the web-site regularly.

We are thankful to the town of St. Moritz for renting to us this great location once again. Please respect their wishes:

a) Do not use the main entrance. The entrance to the minyan is on the right side, through the grid door next to the river.

b) Please use only the parking spots reserved for guests.

Please mark the link to this site for your future quick information about all the updates.

We are looking forward to see you in St. Moritz this summer. For additional information you can always contact me:
Jonny Kremer
Tel: +41 (0)79 400 66 00


Contributions to Minyan St. Moritz

your contributions for rent and our future Minyan, nedarim, auctions etc. can be sent by bank transfer to the following account:

Bank Name: GKB – Graubündner Kantonalbank, St. Moritz

Account Name: Kremer Simon

Account Nr.: 10 104.555.700

IBAN: CH56 0077 4010 1045 5570 0

You can also pay at the desk of the GKB which is at the House Allod, Via dal Bagn 1 or give it to our Schames/Gabai during davening


WINTER 2015/2016

I am happy to announce that we will have a regular minyan again this winter. The minyan will take place at the Via dal Bagn 5, which is just across from the bakery in St. Moritz-Bad. We will start on

Friday, December 25th, Shacharit 07:50am

until January 3rd,

and than again 2-3 weeks in February, all depending of course on how many mitpalelim will be around at these times. As soon as I know more i will inform you over this page.The zmanej t’filah for Shabat and weekdays will be decided on the spot when we see what people really wish.

Please let me know by mail if and when you intend to be in St. Moritz. It is not possible to keep the minyan running without your feedback.

Please also mark the link to this site for your future quick information about all the updates.


For additional information you can always contact me:
Jonny Kremer
Tel: +41 (0)79 400 66 00

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